I have a BVP describing the sagging of a catenary, where the right boundary is unknown (8 DE and 9 BC). Does anybody know how to model this in Matlab with the function bvp4c? Thank you.
The same method as in the linked post applies, if you have a function right_side(t,x)
and boundary_conditions(xa,xb)
then you need wrapper functions that handle the additional component for the interval length,
function doty = wrapper_rhs(s,y)
T = y(end)
doty = T*right_side(t0+s*T, y(1:end-1))
function bc = wrapper_bc(ya,yb)
bc = boundary_conditions(ya(1:end-1), yb(1:end-1))
These should allow to call the BVP solver over the fixed interval ´[0,1]´.