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ListBox with single select and also unselect on click...?

I need a listbox that selects on first click and un-selects on second click, so that only zero or one item is selected at any time.

The select/unselect is implemented in the listbox (with SelectionMode="Single") when you hold down crtl, but unfortunately, none of my users can be expected to know that.

With SelectionMode="Multiple" we have the exact functionality I want, except that you can select more than one item...

More background: I want the user to first choose which installation to log into, then to give credentials (and some other choices)

To achieve this I have used a listbox with expanding content. To aid the expansion I have on the left side of the listboxitem made a triangle that points right when unexpanded that turns to point down when you have selected the listbox item.

So, first the user see the list over the installations, and then, when he has chosen the item he wants by selecting it, the listboxitem expands to the rest of the info he need to enter. It's quite nice, and works well, but testing reports that they want a second click to the triangle to unselect (and thus collapse the expanded section). And I must admit that I have clicked the ¤%& arrow too, expecting the action to result in a collapse... :-(

Anyone has an idea how this can be achieved (preferably without code behind)?


  • try that:

    you use a ToggleButton as the "Expander" of the detailed content. The "IsChecked" Property of the toggle Button you can bind to the IsSelected Property of the item

    here the code:

    <ListBox SelectionMode="Single">
          <x:Array Type="{x:Type sys:String}">
             <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                <ToggleButton IsChecked="{Binding 
                              RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, 
                              AncestorType={x:Type ListBoxItem}},

    how it works: In the Listbox can only one item be selected. As we select an item the Toggler gets expanded cause his IsChecked is bound to ListBoxItem.IsSelected (ListBoxItem is a Control which gets wrapped around the Content of each Item) of his parent ListBoxItem. As the selectionMode is single as soon as another item gets selected the following happens:

    • Deselect the actually selected item
    • Through the binding the Toggler gets unchecked too
    • Select the new item
    • the New items toggler gets checked through its binding

    and if just the actually selected item's toggler gets unchecked the item deselects itself through the binding...