I'm looking for some sample code using the AEM JCR_SQL2 API in server-side Javascript
(NOT Java), i.e. code that starts with use(function() { ... })
and is loaded via data-sly-use=${...}
All Google results are 100% Java based examples.
What I've already tried: Google "JCR-SQL2 js example" and variations.
Expected result: sample code in Javascript.
Actual result: lots of Java code :-(
If you wanna use server-side JS (what I don't recommend), then you only have to convert the syntax of the Java examples. You interact with the Java-Objects anyway. So the API is the same for JS as for Java. In case you have a HTL component and calling the JS via the Use-API, then several objects are already defined in your JS scope.
Here is an JS example to search all core components with a SQL-2 query:
use(function () {
var pageName = currentPage.name;
var title = currentPage.properties.get("jcr:title");
var resourceName = granite.resource.name;
var resourceTitle = properties.get("jcr:title");
var componentList = [];
var componentIter = resolver.findResources("SELECT * FROM [cq:Component] AS c WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(c, '/apps/core/wcm')", "JCR-SQL2");
while (componentIter.hasNext()) {
var compoenentRes = componentIter.next();
return {
pageName: pageName,
title: title,
resourceName: resourceName,
componentList: componentList
The component HTL code to use it, would be:
<div data-sly-use.info="info.js">
<p>page name: ${info.pageName}</p>
<p>title: ${info.title}</p>
<p>resourceName: ${info.resourceName}</p>
<p>core components: </p>
<ul data-sly-list.component="${info.componentList}">
PS: You probably know, but here you find the Use-API for JS: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/htl/using/use-api-javascript.html