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Call a service in SuperClass whose implementation is injected in subclass

I'm using Weld for Cdi in a JavaSE application.
Some of my services come in two flavors. Distinction in CDI via Qualifier (@Italian or @Chinese). Most service code is located in a a shared superclass.
This superclass uses other services. Those with a common implementation are simply injected in the superclass (TimerService). But if there is a specific implementation, it depends on the subclass which implementation is to be chosen.
In the example below: When ItalianFoodController is calling service.cookSoup(), it should use an Italian recipe for the soup...

public abstract class FoodService {
    @Inject TimerService timerService;

    abstract protected RecipeService getRecipeService();

    protected void cookSoup() {

@ApplicationScoped @Italian
public class ItalianFoodService extends FoodService {
    @Inject @Italian RecipeService recipeService;

    protected RecipeService getRecipeService() {
        return recipeService;

@ApplicationScoped @Chinese
public class ChineseFoodService extends FoodService {
    @Inject @Chinese RecipeService recipeService;

public class ItalianFoodController {
    @Inject @Italian ItalianFoodService service;
    public void cook() {

The example is working fine.
My question is: Is there a CDI-pattern to get rid of getRecipeService()?
The most intuitiv approach would be:

public abstract class FoodService {
    @Inject RecipeService recipeService;
public class ItalianFoodService extends FoodService {
    @Inject @Italian RecipeService recipeService;

But this does not work because recipeService will be hidden but not overridden by the subclass.


  • Thinking about @maress' answer I came up with a different approach which allows me to use the injected service quite intuitively.

    Solution using constructor injection:

    public abstract class FoodService {
        protected RecipeService recipeService;
        FoodService (RecipeService recipeService) {
            this.recipeService = recipeService;
    public class ItalianFoodService extends FoodService {
        // Only needed if ItalianRecipeService holds additional methods.
        @Inject @Italian ItalianRecipeService recipeService;
        ItalianFoodService(@Italian RecipeService recipeService) {

    Alternatively the same can be achieved via

    Solution using @PostConstruct:

    public abstract class FoodService {
        protected RecipeService recipeService;
    public class ItalianFoodService extends FoodService {
        // Only needed if ItalianRecipeService holds additional methods.
        @Inject @Italian ItalianRecipeService recipeService;
        postConstruct() {
           super.recipeService = recipeService;

    Both solutions are quite short and readable while the one with constructor injection is slightly more explizit about the injection.