Hello i am trying to autopopulate rows from another sheet if a specific value if found in a specific cell. So far, i managed to do it manually by adding this line in Sheet #2 for each cell.
=IF(OR('Le 2250'!$C48="Nouveau locataire",'Le 2250'!$C48="Décès", 'Le 2250'!$C48="Retention"), 'Le 2250'!$B48,"")
I am trying to create a vba script that will generate each column in Sheet#2, and that will dynamically update regarding if i add a row in Sheet 1 or delete it.
Sheet1 is:
Sheet2 is:
Your help is appreciated
What your looking for is the INDIRECT function
As an example:
This always pick up the value in Sheet1 Cell B5, regardless of changes in Sheet1.
For more information: Excel INDIRECT Function
Edit: To directly answer the question with INDIRECT.
=IF(OR(INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!C48")="Nouveau locataire",INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!C48")="Décès"),CELL("contents",INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!B48")),"")