I would like to loop through a number of csv
files in order to change the format of date variables and generate graphs each with a title that is simply the name of the respective file.
Here is an example of one of the csv
files created using dataex
input str32 eventname str10 scrapedate float(average thpercentile v5 v6)
"EventName" "2015-12-15" 136.9255 83.2 104.875 148.75
"EventName" "2015-12-16" 130.4555 78.55 99 138.22
"EventName" "2015-12-17" 123.66705 72.7 90.25 131.2
"EventName" "2015-12-18" 116.45757 64.855 78.55 119.5
"EventName" "2015-12-19" 108.63446 60.56333 72.7 119.07333
"EventName" "2015-12-20" 94.97125 55.15 69.77 112.48
The files are inside the "I:\Games CSVs"
directory and they are all in csv
format. I have ensured that the variable names in all files are the same.
I want to take each file, convert the scrapedate
from a string to a date format. I then want to plot four lines represented by four variables average
, thpercentile
, v5
, v6
and on the y-axis, ScrapeDate
So far, based on a Google Search, I tried the code below:
local files : dir "I:\Games CSVs" files "*.csv"
cd "I:\Games CSVs"
foreach file in `files' {
insheet using `file', comma clear
/* Convert string to date format */
gen ScrapeDate = date(scrapedate, "YMD")
format ScrapeDate %td #Convert string to date format
/* X Axis: price, Y Axis: ScrapeDate; Plotting, averages, 25th, 50th and 75th percentile */
line average thpercentile v5 v6 ScrapeDate, legend(size(medsmall))
The above code is contained in a do
file. The problem is that when I do, File -> Do.. -> filename.do
, I don't see any graphs, it simply shows in my window as end of do file
. I do not see the graphs!
I'm hoping my code isn't wrong or anything because on the left panel, the do "path/filename.do"
appears red in color. I have removed all blank lines in the do
files, it has no semicolon contrary to what the Google Search answer had (the answer had semicolons).
I want to be able to access the graphs! But where are they stored?
I was able to somewhat accomplish what i wanted using just one file with the following code:
insheet using "I:\Games CSVs\oneofthecsvfiles.csv"
gen ScrapeDate = date(scrapedate, "YMD")
format ScrapeDate %td
line average thpercentile v5 v6 ScrapeDate, legend(size(medsmall))
Finally, the above code converts the date variable in numeric but changes the format from 2015-12-17
originally to 17dec2015
Is there a way to get this to be 2015/12/17
or 2015-12-17
Assume you have the following toy datasets:
local foodir // INSERT YOUR DIRECTORY PATH HERE clear input str32 eventname str10 scrapedate float(average thpercentile v5 v6) "EventName" "2015-12-15" 136.9255 83.2 104.875 148.75 "EventName" "2015-12-16" 130.4555 78.55 99 138.22 "EventName" "2015-12-17" 123.66705 72.7 90.25 131.2 "EventName" "2015-12-18" 116.45757 64.855 78.55 119.5 "EventName" "2015-12-19" 108.63446 60.56333 72.7 119.07333 "EventName" "2015-12-20" 94.97125 55.15 69.77 112.48 end export delimited using "`foodir'one", replace clear input str32 eventname str10 scrapedate float(average thpercentile v5 v6) "EventName" "2014-12-15" 236.9255 83.2 104.875 148.75 "EventName" "2014-12-16" 230.4555 78.55 99 138.22 "EventName" "2014-12-17" 223.66705 72.7 90.25 131.2 "EventName" "2014-12-18" 216.45757 64.855 78.55 119.5 "EventName" "2014-12-19" 208.63446 60.56333 72.7 119.07333 "EventName" "2014-12-20" 194.97125 55.15 69.77 112.48 end export delimited using "`foodir'two", replace clear input str32 eventname str10 scrapedate float(average thpercentile v5 v6) "EventName" "2013-12-15" 336.9255 83.2 104.875 148.75 "EventName" "2013-12-16" 330.4555 78.55 99 138.22 "EventName" "2013-12-17" 323.66705 72.7 90.25 131.2 "EventName" "2013-12-18" 316.45757 64.855 78.55 119.5 "EventName" "2013-12-19" 308.63446 60.56333 72.7 119.07333 "EventName" "2013-12-20" 294.97125 55.15 69.77 112.48 end
The following works for me:
local foodir // INSERT YOUR DIRECTORY PATH HERE local files : dir "`foodir'" files "*.csv" cd "`foodir'" local i = 0 foreach file of local files { local ++i insheet using "`file'", comma clear generate ScrapeDate = daily(scrapedate, "YMD") format ScrapeDate %tdCCYY-NN-DD line average thpercentile v5 v6 ScrapeDate, name("graph`i'", replace) title("`file'") /// legend(size(medsmall)) }
Just insert the full path in the local macro foodir
and Stata will do the rest.
All the changes I have made in your original code are indicated in bold.