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Ensure message order in test when mixing futures with actor messages

I'm testing an actor that uses an asnychronous future-based API. The actor uses the pipe pattern to send a message to itself when a future completes:

import akka.pattern.pipe
// ...

// somewhere in the actor's receive method

In my test I mock the API so I control future completion via promises. However, this is interleaved with other messages sent directly to the actor:

myActor ! Message("A")
myActor ! Message("C")

Now I'm wondering how I can guarantee that the actor receives and processes message B between message A and C in my test because message B is actually sent in another thread, so I can't control the order in which the actor's mailbox receives the messages.

I thought about several possible solutions:

  • sleep after each message for a few milliseconds to make another order very unlikely

  • wait for the actor to acknowledge each message, although acknowledgement is only required for testing

  • send message B directly to the actor to simulate completion of the future and write a separate test that ensures that the pipe pattern is properly used (the test above would not fail if the actor would not pipe the result message to itself)

I don't really like either of these options but I tend to use the last one. Is there another better way I can enforce a certain message order in the tests?

Clarification: The question is not how to deal with the fact that messages might be received in random order in production. Controlling the order in the test is essential to make sure that the actor can actually deal with different message orders.


  • After reading a lot more about akka, I finally found a better solution: Replacing the actor mailbox with one I can observe in the tests. This way I can wait until the actor receives a new message after I complete the promise. Only then the next message is sent. The code for this TestingMailbox is given at the end of the post.

    Update: In Akka Typed this can be achieved very elegantly with a BehaviorInterceptor. Just wrap the Behavior under test with a custom interceptor that forwards all messages and signals but lets you observe them. The mailbox solution for untyped Akka is given below.

    The actor can be configured like this:

    actorUnderTest = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]).withMailbox("testing-mailbox"))

    I have to make sure the "testing-mailbox" is known by the actor system by providing a configuration:

    class MyTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("some name",
            testing-mailbox = {
                mailbox-type = "my.package.TestingMailbox" 
        with BeforeAndAfterAll // ... and so on

    With this being set up, I can change my test like this:

    myActor ! Message("A")
    val nextMessage = TestingMailbox.nextMessage(actorUnderTest)
    Await.ready(nextMessage, 3.seconds)
    myActor ! Message("C")

    With a little helper method, I can even write it like this:

    myActor ! Message("A")
    receiveMessageAfter { promiseFromApiCall.success(Message("B")) }
    myActor ! Message("C")

    And this is my custom mailbox:

    import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
    import akka.dispatch._
    import com.typesafe.config.Config 
    import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
    object TestingMailbox {
      val promisesByReceiver =
        scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap[ActorRef, Promise[Any]]()
      class MessageQueue extends UnboundedMailbox.MessageQueue {
        override def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = {
          super.enqueue(receiver, handle)
      def nextMessage(receiver: ActorRef): Future[Any] =
        promisesByReceiver.getOrElseUpdate(receiver, Promise[Any]).future
    class TestingMailbox extends MailboxType
      with ProducesMessageQueue[TestingMailbox.MessageQueue] {
      import TestingMailbox._
      def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()
      final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef],
                                system: Option[ActorSystem]) =
          new MessageQueue()