I have a sub which gets the duration of a video file.
Async Sub GetDuration(folder As String)
Dim ffP As New FFProbe
Dim vInfo As MediaInfo
Dim totalSecs As Double = Await Task.Run(Function()
vInfo = ffP.GetMediaInfo(filep)
If vInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds < 10
End If
Return vInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds
End Function)
When I run this on a short video (less than 10 seconds), it sleeps the application for 20 seconds, as expected. On another tab in the browser, however, I run it on a long video (greater than 10 seconds), while the first thread is still sleeping...but it sleeps, too, until the 20 seconds has expired/passed. So both tabs are sleeping, which indicates to me that they are really the same thread. Isn't VB.NET supposed to create separate threads when using the Async/Await pair?
The main idea was to have them run separately, so multiple users can get duration independently of each other.
Async and await patterns are not multithreading. The same thread is used, but the processes in that thread are scheduled in a way so that the thread is not locked. In VS, you can inspect the threads you have running during debug.