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How to discriminate between null and zero length string in .NET?

What is the most efficient way to discriminate between empty and null value? I want to:

  1. evaluate CStr(str) to True when str="", whereas
  2. evaluate CStr(str) to False when str=Nothing


  • Here it is:

    Public Function HasValue(s As String)
    Return TypeOf (s) Is String
    End Function

    Slightly Better equivalent: (from answer of jmcilhinney)

    Public Function HasValue(s As String)
    Return  s IsNot Nothing
    End Function

    Also a benchmark of various methods on 10000 strings of various length:

    Function(x As String)..............:Total Time (rel Efficency %)

    TypeName(x) = "String".....................:0.850ms (17.1%)

    VarType(x) = VariantType.String........:0.590ms (24.6%)

    TypeOf (x) Is String........................... :0.150ms (96.7%)

    x IsNot Nothing................................. :0.145ms (100%)