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I am compiling a rules of programming mindset for my team: What are yours?

I have been working on a list for a while that helps me share the why of programming approach and thought as much as how to do something.

For this, I wanted to build a list of things that are:

  • best practice,
  • best thought,
  • best approach...

that help a programmer's ability to analyze, think, approach, solve and implement in the most effective way.

I have seen dozens of incredibly valuable comments in questions throughout Stack Overflow, but I couldn't find a place where we keep them together. There is the most controversial opinion on Stack Overflow. However, I'm just looking for sagely insights that can be shared and help my team, and I approach and solve problems better through better programming.

Hopefully this can be one place to gather the one or two liners that are concise, profound and easy to share, repeat, review. If we keep it to one rule per answer it might be easiest to vote up/down.

I'll start with the first.

DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself - In code, comments or documentation.


  • Always leave the code a little better than when you found it.