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jquery create object dynamic not working

I need the output as

{       'US-CA': '#084365',
        'US-TX': '#084365',
        'US-CO': '#00a2e8',
        'US-NM': '#00a2e8',
        'US-WY': '#00a2e8',
        'US-NE': '#00a2e8'

For this I used the following code:

   var output = [];

            var t = $(this);
            regioncode = t.find('.regioncode').val();
            color = t.find('.color').val();
                    var obj2 = {}
                    obj2[regioncode] = color;


But the output I received is

enter image description here

Please help me fix the dynamic object creation


  • you dont need the array just put it in the object

     var output = {};
                var t = $(this);
                regioncode = t.find('.regioncode').val();
                color = t.find('.color').val();
                output[regioncode] = color;