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How to understand the case expression?

This example is very intuitive. There are 3 cases for xs, which are empty list, list with only 1 element and list with more than 1 element.

describeList :: [a] -> String  
describeList xs = "The list is " ++ case xs of [] -> "empty."  
                                               [x] -> "a singleton list."   
                                               xs -> "a longer list." 

But I get lost in the following code

newtype State s a = StateOf{deState :: s -> (s, a)}

postInc :: State Int Int
postInc = StateOf (\i -> (i+1, i))

instance Monad (State s) where
    return a = pure a
    StateOf t >>= k = StateOf (\i0 -> case t i0 of
                                  (i1, a) -> deState (k a) i1)

I totally don't know what i1 and a represent.


  • Haskell uses two data structures for managing several values: lists and tuples. Tuples have fixed length and don't need to be of the same type:

    (1, "2") :: (Int, String)

    You also can pattern match the values of the tuple. Just for an example:

    nonBlank :: (Int, String) -> Bool
    nonBlank tuple =
      case tuple of
        (0, _) -> False
        (_, "") -> False
        _ -> True

    This line declares State, which stores a function, which receives an argument and returns a tuple:

    newtype State s a = StateOf{deState :: s -> (s, a)}

    And this line defines >>= function for this type:

    StateOf t >>= k = StateOf (\i0 -> case t i0 of
                                  (i1, a) -> deState (k a) i1)

    You probably confused by the t i0, but actually, when you understand, that the type of t is a function s -> (s, a), then it's clear that t i0 returns a tuple, which you can pattern match.