I have written a simple raml which can either GET all customers, GET a customer by Id or GET customers by Name. The RAML has the following structure:
My problem is that when I pass in a customer name e.g. john then it keeps falling into the processing for GET {id} and when I have looked at the request URI it shows /api/customer/john so it looks like it falls into the GET {id} processing because it can't differentiate which URI parameter it is for and GET {id} is the first flow in the XML.
How can I prevent this and get it to go to GET {name}?
I am calling this from the Anypoint API console and using Mule 4.1 and Anypoint 7.
URL params are just strings. So raml and apikit have no way to differentiate the the two. They have no way of knowing what is a ‘name’ vs ‘id’.
I would change it to have customer/{id} and use a query Param on the customer resource ?name=John instead