Below is the code for spark streaming with kafka. Here I am trying to get the keys for the batch as Dstream and then covert it to a LIST. In order to iterate over it and put data pertaining to each key in a hdfs folder named after the key.
Key is basically - Schema.Table_name
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(args{7}.toLong)) // configured to run for every 60 seconds
val warehouseLocation="Spark-warehouse"
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val kafkaParams = Map[String, Object](
"bootstrap.servers" -> conf.getString("kafka.brokers"),
"zookeeper.connect" -> conf.getString("kafka.zookeeper"),
"" -> conf.getString("kafka.consumergroups"),
"auto.offset.reset" -> args { 1 },
"" -> (conf.getString("kafka.autoCommit").toBoolean: java.lang.Boolean),
"key.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"value.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"security.protocol" -> "SASL_PLAINTEXT",
"" -> args { 2 },
"max.poll.records" -> args { 3 },
"" -> args { 4 },
"" -> args { 5 })
val messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
Subscribe[String, String](topicsSet, kafkaParams))
Extracting the keys but it is of type DStream[String]
val keys =>(x.key()))
var final_list_of_keys = List[String]()
Converting it into a list and updating var final_list_of_keys
keys.foreachRDD( rdd => {
val df_keys =
val comma_separated_keys= df_keys.distinct().collect().mkString("").replace("[","").replace("]",",")
final_list_of_keys= comma_separated_keys.split(",").toList
Now trying to iterate over the list.
for ( i <- final_list_of_keys)
val message1 = messages.filter(x => x.key().toString().equals(i)).map(x=>x.value()).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) //.toString())
message1.foreachRDD((rdd, batchTime) => {
if (!rdd.isEmpty())
val df1 = //.withColumn("pharmacy_location",lit(args{6}))
val df2=df1.withColumn("message",struct( struct($"*",lit(args{6}).as("pharmacy_location")).alias("data"), struct($"message.headers.*").as("headers"))).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
val df3= df2.drop("headers").drop("messageSchema").drop("messageSchemaId").persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
df3.coalesce(1).write.json(conf.getString("hdfs.streamoutpath1")+ PATH_SEPERATOR + i + PATH_SEPERATOR + args{6}+ PATH_SEPERATOR+ date_today.format(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ PATH_SEPERATOR + date_today_hour.format(System.currentTimeMillis()) + PATH_SEPERATOR + System.currentTimeMillis())
messages.foreachRDD { rdd =>
val offsetRanges = rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges
messages.asInstanceOf[CanCommitOffsets].commitAsync(offsetRanges) // push it back
case e: BlockMissingException => e.printStackTrace()
case e: IOException => e.printStackTrace()
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
But I get the error - Adding new inputs, transformations, and output operations after starting a context is not supported
When I tried to keep the for loop on list outside the keys.foreachRdd then the list does not get updated and remains empty.
Can someone please advice how can I actually redo this code to have the keys in a list then go over them to put data in correct directory.
From my research i saw post -
Similar post but unable to gather any solution from it
Also,as I am using map,filter inside foreachRdd and then another foreachRdd inside it can cause a problem. Refer post - Post with similar code
Below is the code for the problem -
val messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
Subscribe[String, String](topicsSet, kafkaParams)).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
messages.foreachRDD((rdd,batchTime) => ///foreachRDD means go over each rdd parallelly , it gives the rdd and we will put the batch time also
val => x.key()).distinct().collect() ////kafka sends data in key value pairs,
///here rdd means key and values(key is tablename) and first we need to get all the distinct keys(this batch had 5 tables)
val rddList =>(x,(rdd.filter(y=>y.key().equals(x)))))
///here x means table name and we are filtering data in the rdd which is equalent to current_table_name
///Now this table_list will contains the key(table) and values corresponding to each key
rddList.foreach(tuple => //here foreach not in parallal, we want to go one by one , touple is nothing but collection of key and multiple
val tableName= tuple._1.toString() //tuple._1 will be the table name
val tableRdd=>(x.value())).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) // .toDF()
///tuple._2 will be the complete key value pair,we are putting the value in the hdfs
// val tableRdd= messages.filter(x => x.key().toString().equals(tableName)).map(x=>x.value()).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
/* Your logic */