I have installed the package CCR.EXIF which I found here. But I have some issues with it.
I found the Code for reading GPS Information About a Image and I tried to use that Code but I get Errors on CheckTrue
and now I'm not sure if thats a other programing language or if I made a installing mistake.
procedure TstExifLE.ReadGPSTest;
imgInfo: TImgInfo;
lTag: TTag;
imgInfo := TImgInfo.Create;
lTag := imgInfo.ExifData.TagByName['GPSVersionID'];
CheckTrue(lTag <> nil, 'Tag "GPSVersionID" not found');
CheckTrue(lTag is TVersionTag, 'Tag "GPSVersionID" is not TVersionTag');
TVersionTag(lTag).Separator := '.';
CheckEquals('', lTag.AsString, 'Value mismatch of tag "GPSVersionID"');
lTag := imgInfo.ExifData.TagByName['GPSLatitude'];
CheckTrue(lTag <> nil, 'Tag "GPSLatitude" not found');
CheckTrue(lTag is TGPSPositionTag, 'Tag "GPSLatitude" is not a TGpsPositionTag');
TGpsPositionTag(lTag).FormatStr := '%0:.0f deg %1:.0f'' %2:.2f"';
CheckEquals('51 deg 33'' 48.28"', lTag.AsString, 'Value mismatch of tag "GPSLatitude"');
lTag := imgInfo.ExifData.TagByName['GPSLatitudeRef'];
CheckTrue(lTag <> nil, 'Tag "GPSLatitudeRef" not found');
CheckEquals('South', lTag.AsString, 'Value mismatch of tag "GPSLatitudeRef"');
lTag := imgInfo.ExifData.TagByName['GPSLongitude'];
CheckTrue(lTag <> nil, 'Tag "GPSLongitude" not found');
CheckTrue(lTag is TGPSPositionTag, 'Tag "GPSLongitude" is not a TGpsPositionTag');
TGpsPositionTag(lTag).FormatStr := '%0:.0f deg %1:.0f'' %2:.2f"';
CheckEquals('59 deg 49'' 53.55"', lTag.AsString, 'Value mismatch of tag "GPSLongitude"');
lTag := imgInfo.ExifData.TagByName['GPSLongitudeRef'];
CheckTrue(lTag <> nil, 'Tag "GPSLongitudeRef" not found');
CheckEquals('West', lTag.AsString, 'Value mismatch of tag "GPSLongitudeRef"');
Error Message:
-Identifier not found 'TstExifLE'
-Identifier not found 'CheckTrue'
-Identifier not found 'CheckEquals'
Edit I made the class TstExifLe and that is the following error I get
Identifier not found 'TTestCase'
The code you have found is part of a DUnit test. All DUnit tests descend from TTestCase and use methods CheckTrue, CheckEquals etc as assertions that the test has passed. You will need to re-factor the code to eliminate the need for DUnit in order to compile it, or if you just want to see it in action download and install DUnit.