I'm trying to write a linq query which should sum order_detail lines from the Northwind.mdb and then return a summarized total along with a few details of the employee responsible. I'm using LINQpad to test it and this is what I have so far
void Main()
var result = (from e in Employees
join o in Orders on e.EmployeeID equals o.EmployeeID
join d in OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals d.OrderID
where o.OrderID == 10250
group new { e, o, d } by new
o.OrderID, e.Address, e.BirthDate, e.City, e.Country,
e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.Title, e.TitleOfCourtesy, e.HireDate,
e.Region, e.PostalCode, e.HomePhone,
e.Extension, e.ReportsTo,e.PhotoPath, e.EmployeeID,
d.Quantity, d.UnitPrice, d.Discount
into grp select new
Name = grp.Key.FirstName + " " + grp.Key.LastName,
OrderID = grp.Key.OrderID,
Address = grp.Key.Address,
SalesTotal = grp.Sum(x => x.d.UnitPrice * x.d.Quantity)
I was expecting just one line with a total of 1813.00. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You're not grouping at the right level. If you change it to group by the employee, then you should get the right results:
void Main()
var result = (from e in Employees
join o in Orders on e.EmployeeID equals o.EmployeeID
join d in OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals d.OrderID
where o.OrderID == 10250
group new { e, o, d } by new
e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Address
into grp select new
Name = grp.Key.FirstName + " " + grp.Key.LastName,
Address = grp.Key.Address,
SalesTotal = grp.Sum(x => x.d.UnitPrice * x.d.Quantity)
If you want one line per Order, group by that too:
void Main()
var result = (from e in Employees
join o in Orders on e.EmployeeID equals o.EmployeeID
join d in OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals d.OrderID
where o.OrderID == 10250
group new { e, o, d } by new
e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Address,
into grp select new
Name = grp.Key.FirstName + " " + grp.Key.LastName,
OrderID = grp.Key.OrderID,
Address = grp.Key.Address,
SalesTotal = grp.Sum(x => x.d.UnitPrice * x.d.Quantity)