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Django - how to send mail 5 days before event?

I'm Junior Django Dev. Got my first project. Doing quite well but senior dev that teaches me went on vacations....

I have a Task in my company to create a function that will remind all people in specyfic Group, 5 days before event by sending mail.

There is a TournamentModel that contains a tournament_start_date for instance '10.08.2018'.

Player can join tournament, when he does he joins django group "Registered".

I have to create a function (job?) that will check tournament_start_date and if tournament begins in 5 days, this function will send emails to all people in "Registered" Group... automatically.

How can I do this? What should I use? How to run it and it will automatically check? I'm learning python/django for few months... but I meet jobs fot the first time ;/

I will appreciate any help.


  • If you break this down into two parts, it will be easier. The parts are

    1. Send the reminder emails
    2. Run the script every day

    For the first part, I would begin by installing the outstanding django-extensions package so that it is easy to run scripts. (Check your INSTALLED_APPS, you may have it already.) Having the python-dateutil package will be helpful too.

    Then I would write my script. Let's say your app is called "myapp". Create a directory under "myapp" called "scripts", and create an empty in there.

    Now create your script file in "myapp/scripts/". It will look something like this:

    from datetime import date
    from datutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
    from django.mail import send_mail  # I think this is right.
    from myapp.models import Tournament
    def run():
        # find our tournaments that start five days from now.
        for tournament in Tournament.objects.filter( + relativedelta(days=5)):
            # find the players that are registered for the tournament
            for player in tournament.registered_player_set():

    To run your script manually, you would run

    python runscript remind_players

    (PROTIP: make sure that your test database only contains your own email address. It would be embarrassing to have your test system sending out emails to everyone.)

    (PROTIP: you can also configure Django to put email messages in the logs, rather than actually sending them.)

    For the second part, you'll have to find a way to schedule the job to run every day. Usually, your operating system will provide a way to do that. If you're on Unix/Linux, you'll use "cron". If you're on Windows, you'll use "Scheduled Tasks". (There are other options for scheduling, but these are the most common.)