Hi I am trying to create a dataframe of 600 rows and 18 columns in R BUT:
-each row has to have only three 1's randomly in the 18 columns (for example column A,E,F with 1 and the rest with 0's) -the sum of each column has to be equal to 100
I am really stuck with this problem :(
You can do that with the RaschSampler package.
It implements a MCMC sampler for binary (0/1) matrices with fixed margins. For a MCMC sampler, an initial value is required.
# initial matrix
M0 <- matrix(0, nrow=600, ncol=18)
M0[1:100,1:3] <- M0[101:200,4:6] <- M0[201:300,7:9] <-
M0[301:400,10:12] <- M0[401:500,13:15] <- M0[501:600,16:18] <- 1
# check margins
# MCMCM sampler
sampling <- rsampler(M0)
# extract a sampled matrix (not the first one: this is M0)
M <- rsextrmat(sampling, mat.no = 2)
# check margins
This works:
> # check margins
> all(colSums(M)==100)
[1] TRUE
> all(rowSums(M)==3)
[1] TRUE