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how can I save a binary file from cloud object storage to the notebook filesystem?

Frequently when working with files in IBM Cloud Object Storage from a Watson Studio notebook, I need to save the files to the notebook local file system where I can then access them from R functions.

Project-lib allows me to retrieve the file from cloud object storage as a byte array, how can I save the byte array to a file?

project <- projectLib::Project$new(projectId="secret, projectToken="secret")
pc <- project$project_context

my.file <- project$get_file("myfile.csv.gz")

# Question: how do I save the file to disk ??

df = read.csv2("myfile.csv.gz", sep = "|",

I tried using save() but this was corrupting the data in the file.


  • The R function writeBin was the solution for me:

    project <- projectLib::Project$new(projectId="secret, projectToken="secret")
    pc <- project$project_context
    my.file <- project$get_file("myfile.csv.gz")
    # writeBin was the solution :
    writeBin(my.file, 'myfile.csv.gz', size = NA_integer_,
             endian = .Platform$endian, useBytes = TRUE)
    df = read.csv2("myfile.csv.gz", sep = "|",