I have column names similar to the following
# [1] "A_FLAG" "woe.ABCD.binned" "woe.EFGHIJ.binned"
I would like to rename the columns by removing the "woe." and ".binned" sections, so that the following will be returned
# [1] "A_FLAG" "ABCD" "EFGHIJ"
I have tried substr(names(df_woe), start, stop)
but I am unsure how to set variable start/stop arguments.
nam <- c("A_FLAG", "woe.ABCD.binned", "woe.EFGH.binned")
gsub("woe\\.|\\.binned", "", nam)
[1] "A_FLAG" "ABCD" "EFGH"
EDIT: a solution that deals with wierder cases such as woe..binned.binned
gsub("^woe\\.|\\.binned$", "", nam)