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how to append file content in velocity in apache camel

I am trying to write a simple sample :) on Apache-camel velocity. It is supposed to pick up a file and insert its content in a pre-written text (in .vm file). But it just puts the file name in the place. Here is my scripts.


    <camelContext id="_context1" xmlns="">
    <route id="_route1">
        <from id="_from1" uri="file:work/velocityFileInput"/>
        <setHeader headerName="receiver" id="_setHeader1">
        <setHeader headerName="senderName" id="_setHeader1">
            <simple>Magfa co.</simple>
        <setHeader headerName="meetingAddress" id="_setHeader1">
            <simple> Tehran , Iran</simple>
        <setHeader headerName="senderPersonalName" id="_setHeader1">
            <simple>Ehsan Zangeneh</simple>
        <to id="_to1" uri="velocity:email.vm"/>
        <log message="${body}"></log>

and here is my .vm file content

Hello dear ${headers.receiver},
This letter is sent from ${headers.senderName} to inform you that you are
invited to the meeting in the address of '${headers.meetingAddress}'.
The meeting is about
Best regards

instead of ${in}, I also tried ${body} which didnt work.


  • Try to convert the body to string after retrieving content from URI the file.

    Might this work, Your route will be like this

    <route id="_route1">
     <from id="_from1" uri="file:work/velocityFileInput"/>
     <convertBodyTo id="_convertBodyFileContent" type="java.lang.String"/>
     <setHeader headerName="receiver" id="_setHeader1">
     <setHeader headerName="senderName" id="_setHeader1">
      <simple>Magfa co.</simple>
     <setHeader headerName="meetingAddress" id="_setHeader1">
       <simple> Tehran , Iran</simple>
     <setHeader headerName="senderPersonalName" id="_setHeader1">
      <simple>Ehsan Zangeneh</simple>
     <to id="_to1" uri="velocity:email.vm"/>
     <log message="${body}"></log>

    and here is your .vm file content

    Hello dear ${headers.receiver},
    This letter is sent from ${headers.senderName} to inform you that you are
    invited to the meeting in the address of '${headers.meetingAddress}'.
    The meeting is about
    Best regards