I'm using Swiftmailer to send emails in Symfony project.
$msg = (new \Swift_Message("Subject"))
In the received email, the name of Sender looks like xxx123. But the name for this email id in its configuration is XXX YYY.
I can use,
->setFrom('xxx123@gmail.com' => 'XXX YYY')
but, I don't want to set name directly in the code as it may be changed to something else like YYY ZZZ.
How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance!!
Sender name is always set in the header of every message. So header can be set by any email client. Your SwiftMailer is also email client in this case.
Your email server can rewrite header but only in specific cases. Like Gmail rewrite all email addresses that you didn't validate in the account settings to your base email.
If you need to fetch your sender name from Gmail account you can use Gmail-API. Authenticate your application with OAuth and send GET request to url:
You will receive JSON like this:
"sendAsEmail": "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS",
"replyToAddress": "",
"signature": "Your standard signature for emails created by Gmail in browser",
"isPrimary": true,
"isDefault": true
More about Google API for this request you can find here: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/settings/sendAs/get