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is there any way to revert back the AST tree from the dump file of the tree?

c is a parsed tree of a python code:

c=ast.parse(''' for x in y: print(x) ''')

d is the dump file of tree-c


the content of d is the following string:

    body=[For(target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()),
    body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), 
    args=[Name(id='x', ctx=Load())], keywords=[]))], orelse=[])])

I've looked around the net to see if I could find a method to use the content of d, to revert back to the tree c.

Any suggestions?

Thank you


  • You can use eval to get the ast object from the string:

    ast_obj = eval(d)

    Then, there exist various third party libraries that can convert back to source (Given an AST, is there a working library for getting the source?, Python ast (Abstract Syntax Trees): get back source string of subnode)