I have the following part from a big SQL which is working fine:
HAVING (((Format([AppointmentDate],0))<>[AppointmentControlDate]))) AS ControlDate
I am trying to add OR in my SQL but I am getting error.
Error 3122. You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression
<name> as part of an aggregate function.
The SQL looks like this:
HAVING (((Format([AppointmentDate],0))<>[AppointmentControlDate]))) OR (((AppointmentControlDate)=Format$(Date(),"00"))) AS ControlDate
Thank you.
If someone want all the SQL, please inform me to edit my post.
You shouldn't have an AS...
You can remove AS ControlDate
, and also almsot all of the brackets are unnecessary.
Try this:
HAVING Format(AppointmentDate,0)<>AppointmentControlDate
If you're still having problems, you edit your question to add the entire SQL statement and I will take another look.