There is class Actor on Photon Javascript SDK.
var Actor = (function() {
function Actor(name, actorNr, isLocal) { //constructor = name;
this.actorNr = actorNr;
this.isLocal = isLocal;
this.customProperties = {};
this.suspended = false;
It has property customProperties(Object). When I try to get whole object it works:
customProperties: {
255: ""
active_bonus: "0"
avatar: ""
balance1: 8651830
balance2: 10
bonuses: {}
exp: 1792250
flag: ""
id: 4
rank: 0
register_date: "3/11/2016"
relations: (4)[-1, -1, -1, -1]
score: 0
state: "join"
stats: {
last_games: Array(5),
games: 253,
rank: 0,
register_date: "3/11/2016",
wins: 131
username: "player"
__proto__: Object
When I try to get specific value from this object I get undefined in any case .
All of these methods return undefined. Any ideas about this issue please?
I just had to set timeout. Actor properties was not initialised. Problen solved.