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JIRA trigger a workflow transition via REST

I want to trigger my test issue's current status, for example A to B via Rest call. I've searched on the web and come across Atlassian Documentation. What it says:

->You must use POST method.

->You must define transition id in rest call body. Like following:

    "update": {
        "comment": [
                "add": {
                    "body": "Aok was here"
    "transitions": {
        "id": "471"

->You must construct an url like: http://test/jira/rest/api/latest/issue/{ISSUE-KEY}/transitions

When i test above with post-man, i get nothing but a white page response body.

What may be wrong here?



  • Anyone who faces this problem, here is the solution:

    You need to make http request with Content-Type:application/json in header.