I'm writing a class in order to produce plot figures that matches my several needs ! In particular I'm focusing on the cycles (colors and linestyle) about the linestyle every pyplot users knows that there is 4 linestyle ('-', '--', '-.', ':') but there is an option .. "dashes=L,ES" (Line, Empty space) with the purpose to create lines with different spaces between to track ... how can I manage this in a linestyle loop ??
Well I know the sintax of tuple... but where I have to use it ?
here is the style that I have defined so far
def linestyles(self, style : str = 'ls1'):
linestyle = {}
linestyle['ls1'] = ['-', '--', ':', '-.','-','--',':','-.']
linestyle['ls10'] = ['-', '--', ':', '-.','-','--',':','-.','-','--']
linestyle['llt8'] = ['-','--','-','--','-','--','-','--']
linestyle['lp8'] = ['-',':','-',':','-',':','-',':']
linestyle['llt10'] = ['-','--','-','--','-','--','-','--','-','--']
linestyle['lp10'] = ['-',':','-',':','-',':','-',':','-',':']
return linestyle[style]
Where I have to specify the dashes ??
EDIT the problem is that I don't know how is the right way to cycle into them :
linestyle['ldash'] = ['(0, ()))','(0, (1, 10)))','(0, (1, 5)))','(0, (1, 1)))']
doesn't works if I insert this in my list
EDIT sorry you told me at the begin of your answer could not be string !! I solved !! consider this post close ! thanks a lot
The tuples are not meant to be strings, they should be python tuples. I.e. use (0, (1, 5))
instead of '(0, (1, 5)))'
In general, one way to specify a linestyle is via the linestyle
argument. You may loop over a list,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
linestyles = ["--", (0,(5,2,5,5,1,4))]
for i,ls in enumerate(linestyles):
plt.plot([0,1],[i,i], linestyle=ls)
or to create a linestyle cycler,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
linestyles = ["--", (0,(5,2,5,5,1,4))]
plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] += plt.cycler("linestyle", linestyles)
for i in range(2):
In both cases the resulting plot would look like this
Also refer to the linestyles example.