I started integrating Visual Studio App Center in my VSTS build pipeline.
After my iOS application is built, its binaries are sent to App Center. App Center does not build the app: VSTS does. Here is a screenshot of the latest builds and the version numbers:
In Visual Studio App Center, I can't (re)use version number actually generated by the VSTS pipeline. As shown in the screen capture below, the version value is always 1.0 (1.0)
In Visual Studio App Center, how can I associate the version number from the VSTS build to a release in VS App Center?
Visual Studio App Center is supposed to grab the version information directly from the binaries.
In my case, the bash script used in VSTS to apply the proper version number in the AssemblyInfo.cs
and the Info.plist
got broken (it was not finding files anymore). All the generated binaries had the version version 1.0
Fixing the script solved the problem.