Hope you can help. I'm fairly new to sql, and this is the query that I have.
I want to update an existing table with a new field that sums the orders for each unique number on each date. So for example, in the following table, SumOfOrders is the column I want.
UniqueID Date Orders SumOfOrders
A 01/03/2012 2 9
A 01/03/2012 3 9
A 01/03/2012 4 9
A 01/07/2012 1 1
B 02/07/2012 3 3
B 30/10/2012 2 4
B 30/10/2012 2 4
C 01/03/2012 5 5
There are over a million unique IDs, so this is just a simplified example.
From what I googled, I felt that it should use some variant on sum over partition by (using update table and set, but the following code gives the wrong number of records:
select [UniqueID], [Date], [Orders],
sum([Orders]) over (partition by [UniqueID], [Date] order by [UniqueID], [Date])as SumOfOrders
from test
group by [UniqueID], [Date], [Orders]
order by [UniqueID], [Date], [Orders]
Any pointers would be very appreciated!
Perhaps you just want :
select [UniqueID], [Date], [Orders],
sum([Orders]) over (partition by [UniqueID], [Date]) as SumOfOrders
from test
order by [UniqueID], [Date], [Orders];
The same simplified version would be :
select t.[UniqueID], t.[Date], t.[Orders], t1.SumOfOrders
from test t cross apply
(select sum(t1.Orders) as SumOfOrders
from test t1
where t1.[UniqueID] = t.[UniqueID] and t1.[Date] = t.[Date]
) t1
order by t.[UniqueID], t.[Date], t.[Orders];