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Route based code splitting with webpack not working, Chunks not generated

I'm trying to implement route based code splitting in my application on a nested route.

I want to break a main routes child routes into a chunk separate from the main chunk.


... (other routes)
    path: '/dashboard',
    component: VDClient,
... (other routes)


const renderVendorDashboard = () => {
    import(/* webpackChunkName: "vddesktop" */ './Root/index').then(VDApp => {
        return <VDApp />

export default class VDClient extends Component {
    render() {


import vdRoutes from './vdRoutes'; // file similar to mainRoutes.js but contains the child routes for `/dashboard/` eg: `/dashboard/list`, `/dashboard/add` etc.

class VendorDashboard extends Component {
    componentWillMount() {
    render() {
                { => routeWithSubRoutes(route, this.props.match.params, this.props.match.url))}

After the build completes, I can see all chunks generated except the vddesktop chunk. Am I missing something here??

The other chunks that are generated don't contain the routes or the code of the /dashboard routes, which is the intended behaviour. All the imports are in order so I don't think that should be an issue here.

I've also tried using react-loadable, but that gives me a whole new level of issues unfortunately with webpack 4.

Refer: webpack 4 react loadable is not spliting vendor base on chucking point

Please let me know if I can provide some more info that might be helpful in solving this problem. It would be a huge help.


  • const renderVendorDashboard = () => {
        import(/* webpackChunkName: "vddesktop" */ './Root/index').then(VDApp => {
          const component = VDapp.default;
          return <component />
    export default class VDClient extends Component {
        render() {

    When using import, the result is wrapped on a default property.