I would like to know the process of the default Cron Job logging mechanism. As I see it is possible to download a log file for each job run as a zip, which contains the results and details of the actual run.
My questions: Where does Hybris store the *.log and *.zip files by default?
My reason for asking is that I would like to involve these log files in a centralized logging system with the standard tomcat logs as well, so that could be really helpful to be able to reach these files in the filesystem.
Where does Hybris store the *.log and *.zip files by default?
Logs files store as media. CronJob has the one-to-many relationship with LogFile. Here LogFile extends Media.
<collectiontype code="LogFileCollection" elementtype="LogFile" autocreate="true" generate="true"/>
<itemtype code="CronJob" jaloclass="de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.CronJob"
extends="GenericItem" autocreate="true" generate="true">
<deployment table="CronJobs" typecode="501" />
<attribute qualifier="logFiles" type="LogFileCollection">
<modifiers read="true" write="true" optional="true"
dontOptimize="true" partof="true" />
<persistence type="jalo" />
<description>A list of log files related to the current CronJob</description>
<itemtype code="LogFile" extends="Media" jaloclass="de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.LogFile" autocreate="true"
<attribute redeclare="true" qualifier="owner" type="CronJob">
<modifiers read="true" write="false" initial="true" optional="false" private="false"/>
<persistence type="cmp" qualifier="ownerPkString"/>