Is there a way of overwriting retries for an individual call in AWS SDK for PHP?
The following code explains the question:
// Create client with a default of 2 retries
$sqsClient = new sqsClient('2012-11-05', ['retries' => 2]);
// This will retry twice to get the queue attributes (perfect)
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
// I want the following to NEVER retry
try {
$sqsClient->receiveMessages(['WaitTimeSeconds' => 5]);
} catch(Exception $e) {
// Now set the retries back to as before.
Retries are handled by Middleware - but as the Middleware class is marked "final" I need to pass in a "decider"? This means we need to hook into one of the handlers but none appear to be connected to retries.
I have managed to prove the concept of a new "decider" by directly editing the AWS SDK as follows:
final class Middleware
public static function retry(
callable $decider = null,
callable $delay = null,
$stats = false
) {
$decider = function() {
echo 'retries cancelled';
return false;
So the question is how to do this without editing the SDK. Have tried various middleware hooks as follows, without success.
$decider = function() {
echo 'No retries';
return false;
$SqsClient->getHandlerList()->appendSign(\AWS\Middleware::retry($decider, null), 'retry');
$result = $SqsClient->receiveMessage($aParams);
(Code samples snipped to only show relevant parts)
Next code removes retry handler
Sqs client isn't going to retry after that. To restore default behavior you can attach default handler back
$decider = RetryMiddleware::createDefaultDecider(3);
Middleware::retry($decider, null, false),
Though, two separate clients with retries enabled and disabled sound more transparent for me.