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How to avoid character wrap of text in TextView, for auto-resizing text?


After a lot of searching for the best solution of auto-resizing TextView (according to content, size, min&max lines, and font-size restrictions), I've made a merged solution for it all, here.

NOTE: I don't use other solutions because they don't work well, each has its own issues (something isn't supported, text goes outside of TextView, text get truncated,...) .

Demonstration of it works:

The problem

On some cases, the last character of one line wraps to the next line, as such:

enter image description here

Green is the boundaries of the TextView, red is outside of it.

The code

Basically, given the size of the TextView, its min&max font size and min&max lines, and the content (text) that's supposed to be within, it finds (using binary search) what font size should fit within the boundaries of the TextView.

The code is available in Github already, but here it is just in case :

public class AutoResizeTextView extends AppCompatTextView {
    private static final int NO_LINE_LIMIT = -1;
    private final RectF _availableSpaceRect = new RectF();
    private final SizeTester _sizeTester;
    private float _maxTextSize, _spacingMult = 1.0f, _spacingAdd = 0.0f, _minTextSize;
    private int _widthLimit, _maxLines;
    private boolean _initialized = false;
    private TextPaint _paint;

    private interface SizeTester {
         * @param suggestedSize  Size of text to be tested
         * @param availableSpace available space in which text must fit
         * @return an integer < 0 if after applying {@code suggestedSize} to
         * text, it takes less space than {@code availableSpace}, > 0
         * otherwise
        int onTestSize(int suggestedSize, RectF availableSpace);

    public AutoResizeTextView(final Context context) {
        this(context, null, android.R.attr.textViewStyle);

    public AutoResizeTextView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, android.R.attr.textViewStyle);

    public AutoResizeTextView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        // using the minimal recommended font size
        _minTextSize = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 12, getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
        _maxTextSize = getTextSize();
        _paint = new TextPaint(getPaint());
        if (_maxLines == 0)
            // no value was assigned during construction
            _maxLines = NO_LINE_LIMIT;
        // prepare size tester:
        _sizeTester = new SizeTester() {
            final RectF textRect = new RectF();

            public int onTestSize(final int suggestedSize, final RectF availableSPace) {
                final TransformationMethod transformationMethod = getTransformationMethod();
                final String text;
                if (transformationMethod != null)
                    text = transformationMethod.getTransformation(getText(), AutoResizeTextView.this).toString();
                    text = getText().toString();

                final boolean singleLine = getMaxLines() == 1;
                if (singleLine) {
                    textRect.bottom = _paint.getFontSpacing();
                    textRect.right = _paint.measureText(text);
                } else {
                    final StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, _paint, _widthLimit, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, _spacingMult, _spacingAdd, true);
                    // return early if we have more lines
                    if (getMaxLines() != NO_LINE_LIMIT && layout.getLineCount() > getMaxLines())
                        return 1;
                    textRect.bottom = layout.getHeight();
                    int maxWidth = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < layout.getLineCount(); i++)
                        if (maxWidth < layout.getLineRight(i) - layout.getLineLeft(i))
                            maxWidth = (int) layout.getLineRight(i) - (int) layout.getLineLeft(i);
                    textRect.right = maxWidth;
                textRect.offsetTo(0, 0);
                if (availableSPace.contains(textRect))
                    // may be too small, don't worry we will find the best match
                    return -1;
                // else, too big
                return 1;
        _initialized = true;

    public void setAllCaps(boolean allCaps) {

    public void setTypeface(final Typeface tf) {

    public void setTextSize(final float size) {
        _maxTextSize = size;

    public void setMaxLines(final int maxlines) {
        _maxLines = maxlines;

    public int getMaxLines() {
        return _maxLines;

    public void setSingleLine() {
        _maxLines = 1;

    public void setSingleLine(final boolean singleLine) {
        if (singleLine)
            _maxLines = 1;
        else _maxLines = NO_LINE_LIMIT;

    public void setLines(final int lines) {
        _maxLines = lines;

    public void setTextSize(final int unit, final float size) {
        final Context c = getContext();
        Resources r;
        if (c == null)
            r = Resources.getSystem();
        else r = c.getResources();
        _maxTextSize = TypedValue.applyDimension(unit, size, r.getDisplayMetrics());

    public void setLineSpacing(final float add, final float mult) {
        super.setLineSpacing(add, mult);
        _spacingMult = mult;
        _spacingAdd = add;

     * Set the lower text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param minTextSize
    public void setMinTextSize(final float minTextSize) {
        _minTextSize = minTextSize;

    private void adjustTextSize() {
        // This is a workaround for truncated text issue on ListView, as shown here:
        // TODO think of a nicer, elegant solution.
//    post(new Runnable()
//    {
//    @Override
//    public void run()
//      {
        if (!_initialized)
        final int startSize = (int) _minTextSize;
        final int heightLimit = getMeasuredHeight() - getCompoundPaddingBottom() - getCompoundPaddingTop();
        _widthLimit = getMeasuredWidth() - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
        if (_widthLimit <= 0)
        _paint = new TextPaint(getPaint());
        _availableSpaceRect.right = _widthLimit;
        _availableSpaceRect.bottom = heightLimit;
//      }
//    });

    private void superSetTextSize(int startSize) {
        int textSize = binarySearch(startSize, (int) _maxTextSize, _sizeTester, _availableSpaceRect);
        super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, textSize);

    private int binarySearch(final int start, final int end, final SizeTester sizeTester, final RectF availableSpace) {
        int lastBest = start, lo = start, hi = end - 1, mid;
        while (lo <= hi) {
            mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
            final int midValCmp = sizeTester.onTestSize(mid, availableSpace);
            if (midValCmp < 0) {
                lastBest = lo;
                lo = mid + 1;
            } else if (midValCmp > 0) {
                hi = mid - 1;
                lastBest = hi;
            } else return mid;
        // make sure to return last best
        // this is what should always be returned
        return lastBest;

    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        super.onTextChanged(text, start, before, after);

    protected void onSizeChanged(final int width, final int height, final int oldwidth, final int oldheight) {
        super.onSizeChanged(width, height, oldwidth, oldheight);
        if (width != oldwidth || height != oldheight)

The question

Why does it occur? What can I do to fix this?


  • Seems it's possible using support library:

            android:layout_width="250dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="#f00"
            android:breakStrategy="balanced" android:hyphenationFrequency="none"
            android:text="This is an example text" android:textSize="30dp" app:autoSizeTextType="uniform"/>

    Sadly, it has 2 disadvantages:

    1. Doesn't always spread words nicely. Reported here.

    2. Requires Android API 23 and above (here).

    More information here.