I have a table "tbl_project_user_assignment" with a compound primary key.
It is made up of project_id and user_id
Each of these are also a foreign key to the project and user tables respectively.
At the moment, I have 2 entries in this table as below...
project_id | user_id -------------------- 1 | 1 1 | 2
When I run this sql query...
INSERT INTO tbl_project_user_assignment (project_id, user_id) VALUES (2, 1);
...I get the following error message:
Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1' for key 'FK_project_user'
The FK_project_user key is the one linking the project_id to the tbl_project id.
This doesn't make sense to me because the values I'm inserting are unique...
Any ideas?
It looks like FK_project_user
is a unique key. Try dropping temporarily that constraint and perform the insert again.
If insert works, recreate the constraint making sure it's not flagged as unique