I don't work with Pascal very often so I apologise if this question is basic. I am working on a binary file program that writes an array of custom made records to a binary file.
Eventually I want it to be able to write multiple arrays of different custom record types to one single binary file.
For that reason I thought I would write an integer first being the number of bytes that the next array will be in total. Then I write the array itself. I can then read the first integer type block - to tell me the size of the next blocks to read in directly to an array.
For example - when writing the binary file I would do something like this:
n := IOResult;
if n<> 0 then
n:= IOResult;
If n <> 0 then
writeln('Error creating file: ', n);
SetLength(MyArray, 2);
MyArray[0].ID := 101;
MyArray[0].Att1 := 'Hi';
MyArray[0].Att2 := 'MyArray 0 - Att2';
MyArray[0].Value := 1;
MyArray[1].ID := 102;
MyArray[1].Att1:= 'Hi again';
MyArray[1].Att2:= MyArray 1 - Att2';
MyArray[1].Value:= 5;
SizeOfArray := sizeOf(MyArray);
writeln('Size of character array: ', SizeOfArray);
writeln('Size of integer var: ', sizeof(SizeOfArray));
Then you could re-read the file with something like this:
Assign(f, MasterFileName);
This has the idea that after these blocks have been read that you can then have a new integer recorded and a new array then saved etc.
It reads the integer parts of the records in but nothing for the strings. The record would be something like this:
TMyType = record
ID : Integer;
att1 : string;
att2 : String;
Value : Integer;
Any help gratefully received!!
TMyType = record
ID : Integer;
att1 : string; // <- your problem
That field att1 declared as string that way means that the record contains a pointer to the actual string data (att1 is really a pointer). The compiler manages this pointer and the memory for the associated data, and the string can be any (reasonable) length.
A quick fix for you would be to declare att1 something like string[64]
, for example: a string which can be at maximum 64 chars long. That would eliminate the pointer and use the memory of the record (the att1 field itself, which now is a special static array) as buffer for string characters. Declaring the maximum length of the string, of course, can be slightly dangerous: if you try to assign the string a string too long, it will be truncated.
To be really complete: it depends on the compiler; some have a switch to make your declaration "string" usable, making it an alias for "string[255]". This is not the default though. Consider also that using string[...] is faster and wastes memory.