I been look into a lot of resource about Android MVP. From what I understand Model is the data access layer that solely deal with any work that relate to access data from the storage (database) of the system internally or externally. For example, external database like Firebase, internal database like Realm, etc.
My uncertainty
I am unsure about the 'SharedPreference' in Android, as it acts like a 'Permanent Session' which store the data within the application,
Does it mean that any data retrieval of SharedPreference Should be done in the Model Layer? or it is okay for me to simply retrieve SharedPreference data in View Layer to being displayed on screen?
Does it mean that any data retrieval of SharedPreference Should be done in the Model Layer?
I am working with MVP for about 2 years and here is our team approach: Create a SharedPreferencesManager (Model) class to manage everything that belongs to SharedPreferences because SharedPreferences is a "lite" database (key-value)
It is just an opinion. Hope this help!