I have the is generic function type:
export type EVCb<T> = (err: any, val?: T) => void;
that type can be used like so:
const v = function(cb: EVCb<boolean>){
cb(null, true); // compiles correctly
const v = function(cb: EVCb<boolean>){
cb(null, 'yo'); // does not compile
but I am wondering if there is a way to add an optional
type for the error parameter, because right now it's always any
. something like this:
export type EVCb<T, E?> = (err: E | any, val?: T) => void;
The user would use it like so:
EVCb<boolean, Error>
or they could choose to omit the second parameter, and just do:
is this possible somehow?
A type parameter can be optional if you provide a default for it:
export type EVCb<T, E = any> = (err: E, val?: T) => void;