This question is inspired by Getting 'git grep' to work effectively in VIM.
My .vim/vimrc
entries are similar to those in the question:
command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :Ggr <cword><CR>
The Ggr
command works. Unfortunately Ctrl-F produces a nasty error:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2].. <SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit[36]..<SNR>33_ExecuteInTree:
line 5:
E348: No string under cursor
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line 36:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line 53:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git:
line 2:
E171: Missing :endif
How can I properly define this nnoremap
in my .vim/vimrc
works with expand
, try
command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :execute 'Ggr '.expand('<cword>')<cr>