I am trying to plot my values and fit them with curve using nls model. But I am getting back an error saying that there are no starting values for my variables.
conc <- c(1.83, 3.66, 7.32, 14.65, 29.30, 58.59, 117.19, 468.75, 937.5, 1875, 3750)
avg <- c(0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.09, 0.23, 0.40, 0.60, 0.79, 0.98, 0.82, 1)
DataSet <- data.frame(conc, avg)
ggplot(DataSet, aes(x = conc, y = avg)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_log10() +
stat_smooth(aes(x=conc, y = avg), method = "nls",
formula = "avg~Emax*(conc^Hill)/((EC50^Hill)+(conc^Hill))",
method.args=list(start=c(Emax = 1, EC50 = 100, Hill = 2)),
se = FALSE)
# Warning message:
# Computation failed in `stat_smooth()`:
# parameters without starting value in 'data': avg, conc
You need to adjust x
in formula as scale_x_log10()
has been used for axis. Hence the inverse of log10
(e.g. ^10
) should be used for x
in formula.
The solution will be as:
ggplot(DataSet, aes(x = conc, y = avg)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_log10() +
stat_smooth(method = "nls",
formula = y~Emax*((10^x)^Hill)/((EC50^Hill)+((10^x)^Hill)),
method.args=list(start=c(Emax = 1, EC50 = 100, Hill = 2)),
se = FALSE)