"Hi, could you rewrite something for me", my boss said, "some legacy code". Yeah, legacy code written somewhere in early Mesozoic.
I have 30 hours left, and I still don't know, what kind of syntax is this! VHLD? VBA? Program is dedicated do to something with audio files, and dedicated to run under DOS.
Could you give me a hint what is this? How to compile it?
Code snippet:
enter \ Load - main screen
empty forth definitions decimal
application warning on
: TITLE ." KCS version 0.8 28-Jan-06" cr ;
cr .( Compiling: ) title 2 load
cr .( Save to disk? ) y/n
\ pad reserve @ + 256 + limit s0 @ - + set-limit
turnkey program KCS
\ Load - defaults
variable RESERVE 0 reserve ! \ reserved memory tally
defer ?BREAK ' noop is ?break \ break check off
defer SET-IO ' bios-io is set-io \ default console mode
defer ERRFIX ' noop is errfix \ reset on-error handler
blk @ 1+ #screens 1- thru \ load electives & application
' (?break) is ?break \ enable user break
\ ' dos-io is set-io \ enable console redirection
\ ' deloutfile +is errfix \ delete outfile on error
\ wrtchk off \ disable overwrite check
\ Load - electives
1 fload DOSLIB \ load DOSLIB library
_Errors \ error handler
_Inout1 \ number output
_Inout2 \ string & number input
_String1 \ basic strings
\ _String2 \ extra strings
_Parsing \ command-line parsing
_Fileprims \ file primitives
_Files \ default files
_Bufinfile \ buffered input file
_Bufoutfile \ buffered output file
\ Convert wave file to program
: DECODE ( -- )
0. decodecount 2! 0. paritycount 2! 0 errors !
['] decodebyte 1 ?catch 0=
while ( not EOF )
conout @ if emit else writechar then
1 decodecount m+!
.decoded ;
\ Select Kansas City Standard or Processor Tech. CUTS mode
: SETMODE ( -- )
mode @ if ( CUTS )
8 to databits 2 sbits ! 4 speed ! parity off pace off
nullcnt off
['] 0bit-sqr-cuts is 0bit-sqr ['] 1bit-sqr-cuts is 1bit-sqr
['] 0bit-sin-cuts is 0bit-sin ['] 1bit-sin-cuts is 1bit-sin
['] seekstart-cuts is seekstart ['] getbit-cuts is getbit
else ( KCS )
['] 0bit-sqr-kcs is 0bit-sqr ['] 1bit-sqr-kcs is 1bit-sqr
['] 0bit-sin-kcs is 0bit-sin ['] 1bit-sin-kcs is 1bit-sin
['] seekstart-kcs is seekstart ['] getbit-kcs is getbit
then ;
\ (RUN)
\ Run application
: (RUN) ( -- )
r/o openinfile
decoding @ if
conout @ 0= if r/w makeoutfile then
cr decode
r/w makeoutfile
cr encode
\ Set application defaults
: DEFAULTS ( -- )
mode off decoding on strict off ignore off conout off
1 speed ! 2 sbits ! parity off 5 leadtime ! 10 nullchar !
pace off nullcnt off wave off tone off inverted off ;
\ Run application with error handling
: RUN ( -- )
['] (run) catch ?dup if >r errfix r> throw then ;
\ Main
: PROGRAM ( -- )
set-io \ set console mode
defaults \ set defaults
cr title \ show application name
parsecmd \ get options/filenames
run \ run application
cr ." done" \ show success
It's written in Forth, probably the DX-Forth dialect. The program decodes and encodes WAVE files that contain data in the Kansas City standard format. This format was used to record data on cassette tapes on early S-100 CP/M machines. Searching the web reveals that there was a program written in DX-Forth that could decode and encode WAVE files in this format, so I'm guessing it's the program you've be tasked with rewriting.
Rather than rewriting this code however, a simpler thing to do would be to use existing free software that already does the job. For example there's a program called py-kcs written in Python that should be a functional replacement and one called hx-kcs written in Haxe that can do decoding.