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How to get all the properties assigned to the function object in javascript?

In javascript I can create an object with the same name as a function, or i can assign a new property to the function object, like:

    function func(){
    console.log("inside func");

    func.a = "new property";

How do i see what are the properties assigned(and possibly their values) to the function object?


  • Functions are special type of Objects in JavaScript.

    Unlike other programming languages, functions are special type of Objects in JavaScript. They have their own methods (viz. bind, call, apply and a hell lot more) like other objects do. Therefore, when you assign a prop a to your func, you are not creating a new func object. Instead, it's the same func object (function object) and you are just creating a new prop func.a on it. Read this for more info. Also, you can do something like the following to print all the props you have assigned to a function object (or any object in JS):

    for (var prop in func) {
      console.log(prop); // This will print 'a' in your case