Im trying to make Socket server base on laravel-ratchet.
ive done installation steps from git :
1."composer require askedio/laravel-ratchet"
2. "$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Askedio\LaravelRatchet\Providers\LaravelRatchetServiceProvider"
then ive entered class address in app.php like this :
now from this help ive created my simple socket IoServer class in app folder (App/MyRatchetSocketServer):
namespace App;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;
use Askedio\LaravelRatchet\RatchetServer;
class MyRatchetSocketServer extends RatchetServer
public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $conn, $input)
parent::onMessage($conn, $input);
if (!$this->throttled) {
$this->send($conn, 'Hello you.');
$this->sendAll('Hello everyone.');
$this->send($conn, 'Wait, I don\'t know you! Bye bye!');
then ive changed my /config/ratchet.php to this :
return [
'class' => \App\MyRatchetSocketServer::class,
'host' => '',
'port' => '8989',
'connectionLimit' => false,
'throttle' => [
'onOpen' => '5:1',
'onMessage' => '20:1',
'abortOnMessageThrottle' => false,
'blackList' => [],
'zmq' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 5555,
'method' => \ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL,
and in final part im going to start my service with serve :
php artisan ratchet:serve
and it gives this error :
Starting WampServer server on:
In RatchetServerCommand.php line 204:
Askedio\LaravelRatchet\Examples\Pusher must be an instance of Askedio\LaravelRatchet\RatchetWampServer to create a Wamp server
my guess is that , serve command is bypassing the ratchet config file.
also if i try this :
php artisan ratchet:serve --driver=IoServer --class="App\MyRachetSocketServer::class"
the error changed to this :
Starting IoServer server on:
In RatchetServerCommand.php line 155:
Class 'App\MyRachetSocketServer::class' not found
the file path is correct (bottom pic). dont know what to test next ?!
Im using Xamp , Vscode , Laravel 5.5.
I had the same problem long time ago
after a few try , find out that it was a cache problem.
try this Package for clearing cache with this command :
php artisan clear:data
or u can use these generic command in order:
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan config:cache
and finaly , try your server command as follows :
php artisan ratchet:serve --driver=IoServer
hope that helps :)