Is there a way to run a function if a guard statment is not met before it gets to return?
guard let detectedRectangle = observations.first else {
functionToRun(completion: { (complete) in
print("Tony GOT TO RETURN"); return }
The above code makes me put the return outside of the complete in part.
guard let detectedRectangle = observations.first else {
functionToRun(completion: { (complete) in
print("Tony GOT TO RETURN"); return }
I have set 3 print statements in the function to run at certain points and it gets to 2 of them before hiting the return print
You can return functionToRun
if the func, that contains guard
statement, has same return type as functionToRun
. Example:
func guardHolder() { // guardHolder returns Void
guard let detectedRectangle = observations.first else {
// so, if functionToRun also returns Void type, we can return this func
return functionToRun { _ in print("Tony GOT TO RETURN") }