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Visual Studio Code(macOS version) -- How to zoom out edit interface like JetBrain iDE?

I know there has a way to zoom out/in by cmd + shirt + +/cmd + -,

but I just want to zoom out edit interface not complete interface, and can zoom in/out by sliding two fingers splay likes JetBrains iDE.

How to config my Visual Studio Code? (note: I want not to install any extensions.)


  • What you are looking for is the editor.action.fontZoomIn (editor.action.fontZoomOut) command. By default this command is not bound to any keyboard shortcut. You can open and edit the keyboard shortcuts by pressing + K, + S.
    Instead you also can edit the keybindings.json directly, for instance like this:

            "key": "ctrl+alt+oem_plus",
            "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn",
            "when": "editorFocus"

    I am not aware that vscode supports multi touch gestures. Maybe somebody else knows an issue reference or you may want to open your own issue.