I'm using QuickCheck 1 and I've got the following data types:
data A = ...
instance Arbitrary A where ...
data B = ...
instance Arbitrary B where ...
data C = C A B
Now I'd like to define an Arbitrary
instance for C
so that C
values are generated using existing generators for A
and B
. I ended up doing this:
instance Arbitrary C where
arbitrary = elements [(C a b) |
a <- generate 20 (System.Random.mkStdGen 0) arbitrary,
b <- generate 20 (System.Random.mkStdGen 0) arbitrary]
Is this explicit generation of a fixed number of values for A
and B
necessary, or is there a better way of combining existing Arbitraries
into a new one?
I'd do it like this:
instance Arbitrary C
where arbitrary = do a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
return (C a b)
Although sclv's idea of using liftM2
from Control.Monad is probably better:
instance Arbitrary C
where arbitrary = liftM2 C arbitrary arbitrary