Good Evening. Please i'm using Symfony 4 to create an API. I've installed the FOSRESTBUNDLE but i don't see where i can modify the configuration file of this bundle. Please i'll like to set a configuration like fos_rest: view: #… view_response_listener: true
In Symfony 2, we do it in app/config/config.yml. Please Where will i do this in Symfony 4?
Look at this article:
Check if you required this bundle with following command:
composer require friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle
If you require it with this command but you still don't see file config/packages/fos_rest.yaml
execute following command
composer fix-recipes
If you still don't see this config file, you can just copy-paste it from original recipe repository:
Also check that this bundle is included in config/bundles.php