I want to display a floating bubble with online-help info when the user hovers the mouse pointer, like a tooltip seen on a button-tool-bar in other apps.
I know that we can pass an initial value when setting up a widget such as TextField
. And I see on this Question that we can provide an initial prompt to the user, a placeholder until the user enters a value into that field. But I want to provide Help assistance whether or not the user has entered a value.
propertyCall the getter/setter methods for a property on most widgets called Description: getDescription
and setDescription
Call the getter/setter methods for a property on most widgets called Description: getDescription
and setDescription
See the Sampler page for TextField
. The Description property is empty initially there. Click the gear icon, and enter text in the Description
field and press Enter/Return. For example:
Vaadin Flow as of 10.0.1 lacks the hovering help feature. Such a feature is being considered.