I have a table called Protocols
which holds a column called keyWords
which is of type TEXT[]
Given an array of strings, how do I get the row with the biggest intersection of the keyWords
column and the given array?
Use the function (that can be useful elsewhere as well):
create or replace function array_intersect(anyarray, anyarray)
returns anyarray language sql as $function$
select case
when $1 is null then $2
select unnest($1)
select unnest($2)
with cte as (
id, keywords,
cardinality(array_intersect(keywords, '{a,b,d}')) as common_elements
from protocols
select *
from cte
where common_elements = (select max(common_elements) from cte)
In case you do not like the function:
with cte as (
select id, count(keyword) as common_elements
from protocols
cross join unnest(keywords) as keyword
where keyword = any('{a,b,d}')
group by 1
select id, keywords, common_elements
from cte
join protocols using(id)
where common_elements = (select max(common_elements) from cte);