If your answer to this question is yes, could you give me an example using the JSON-LD format?
The answer is no.
From RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax:
1.2 Resources and Statements
Asserting an RDF triple says that some relationship, indicated by the predicate, holds between the resources denoted by the subject and object. This statement corresponding to an RDF triple is known as an RDF statement. The predicate itself is an IRI and denotes a property, that is, a resource that can be thought of as a binary relation. (Relations that involve more than two entities can only be indirectly expressed in RDF.)
If you are just looking for syntactic sugar for multiple statements with common terms. —
In Turtle, there are predicate lists and object lists, however, there are no subject lists.
See also this question:
List in front of the expression in OWL.
In JSON-LD 1.1, you can use the @reverse
keyword, i. e. write something like
"@id": "#homer",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Homer",
"@reverse": {
"http://example.com/vocab#parent": [
"@id": "#bart",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Bart"
}, {
"@id": "#lisa",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Lisa"
instead of
"@id": "#homer",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Homer"
}, {
"@id": "#bart",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Bart",
"http://example.com/vocab#parent": { "@id": "#homer" }
}, {
"@id": "#lisa",
"http://example.com/vocab#name": "Lisa",
"http://example.com/vocab#parent": { "@id": "#homer" }