I'm using the following code (in Kotlin) to select an image from the Google Photos app on my Samsung tablet.
val intent = Intent (Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT)
intent.type = "image/*"
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_IMAGE)
I've also tried
On running this code I get a slideout that allows me to select the Photos app, from which I can then select a photo. However, once I select the photo, the app does not return the image to my app as it does with the camera and gallery. It instead returns to the slideout. When I hit the back button to close the slideout, onActivityResult is called with RESULT_CANCELED and 0 data.
I am able to retrieve photos from the Gallery and the camera without issue so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Maybe a permission or something else in the Manifest? Thanks in advance!
The issue is that I was not connected to the network so Google Photos was unable to retrieve the selected image. See my response to @adityakamble49.